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Oceane Aqua-Black

From the moment I entered this world, music has been an integral part of my existence. Each note, every melody, and every song possesses a soul that resonates with my emotions, pain, and joy. Little did I imagine that, as a Drag Artist, I could forge a career in music. The belief that I lacked the voice and creativity held me back.

However, being cast on Season 2 of Canada’s Drag Race pushed me out of my comfort zone. Witnessing the talents of the queens who paved the way before me inspired me to test my own abilities in songwriting. I sought to convey emotions and create songs that others could connect with, just as I had connected with the music of other artists.

Now, every experience, whether positive or negative, finds its way into my songs. Through this musical expression, I navigate a spectrum of emotions, healing myself in the process. During my time on Canada’s Drag Race, I shared a profound event from my origin, Haiti—born and abandoned in the forest, my life hanging in the balance. Thanks to two incredible parents who adopted me in Quebec, Canada, I was given a chance at life.

The scars of my early experiences, compounded by teasing for my sexual orientation and skin colour, linger. I’ve faced injustice based on my skin colour, both as a boy and as a Drag Artist. Music has become my sanctuary, providing an escape and a source of healing in the face of adversity.

While participating in a singing and dancing challenge on my season, I faced failure and elimination. However, this setback became a catalyst for growth. Recognizing the need to succeed beyond the competition, I founded Fierce Music, a platform that empowered me to release two powerful singles of which I am immensely proud.

This journey marks just the beginning for me. I am committed to working tirelessly to expand my career and share the benefits of my art and songs with others.